1、shelter 遮蔽,庇护,庇护所,避难所
2、可能改写自 sheld,盾,来自 shield 的旧拼写形式,-er,表物。引申词义保护,遮蔽,庇护等。
2、shelter: [16] The origins of shelter are unclear, but the most usually accepted explanation is that it is an alteration of the now obsolete sheltron. This denoted a body of troops which protected itself in battle with a covering of joined shields. It was descended from Old English scieldtruma, a compound formed from scield, the ancestor of modern English shield, and truma ‘troop’.=> shield
3、shelter (n.)
4、1580s,"structure affording protection,"possibly an alteration of Middle English sheltron, sheldtrume"roof or wall formed by locked shields,"from Old English scyldtruma, from scield"shield"(see shield (n.)) + truma"troop,"related to Old English trum"firm, strong"(see trim). If so, the original notion is of a compact body of men protected by interlocking shields. OED finds this"untenable"and proposed derivation from shield + -ture. Figurative sense is recorded from 1580s; meaning"temporary lodging for homeless poor"is first recorded 1890 in Salvation Army jargon; sense of"temporary home for animals"is from 1971. Related: Shelterless.
5、shelter (v.)
6、1580s,"to screen, protect,"from shelter (n.); in the income investment sense, from 1955. Meaning"to take shelter"is from c. 1600. Related: Sheltered; sheltering.
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